Research Capability Funding – Deadline 12 Mar


Applications are now invited for the NIHR Research Capability Funding through the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for 2025-26. 

The funding will be for a maximum of 12 months for full or part time salary costs and should be spent within the 2025/26 financial year (by 31 Mar 2026).

RCF funding applications will be capped at £20,000 (funding can only be used to cover salary costs).

Applications will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • in line with the Trust’s Research Strategy
  • that it leads to a NIHR or other major grant application (any grant applications developed with the support of RCF will be submitted with NNUH as the lead organisation / contractor)
  • bridging the funding gap for those submitting a grant application in 2025/26 (R&D reserve the right to claim back funding should a grant not be submitted)
  • supporting aspiring researchers where funding from other sources is not available
  • led by or co-led by an applicant whose substantive employer is NNUH

All applications should be able to demonstrate good value for money.

This opportunity is also open to for salaries of staff who work in one or more of the Norwich Research Park (NRP) organisations (the salary requests do not have to be for the applicant).

To request an application form please contact

Please send completed applications to by Wednesday 12th March 2025 at 17:00. Late applications will not be reviewed

More information Research Capability Funding – NNUH Research