HealthUEA Day – 5th February 2025

Wednesday 5th February l 12:00 – 19:00 l  The Enterprise Centre, UEA (in-person)

HealthUEA are delighted to invite colleagues and partners to attend our first HealthUEA Day on Wednesday 5th February 12:00 -18:00 at the Enterprise Centre, UEA. 

We look forward to welcoming researchers, faculty and professional service staff, alongside partners and collaborators from across UEA, the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and the Norwich Research Park institutes to this in-person event, where we will see expert commentators offering their thoughts on a range of health-aligned topics to showcase our interdisciplinary health research. The day will offer insight into a range of projects and research taking place across the HealthUEA initiative, and will provide an opportunity to network, discuss and develop ideas with others within the community. 

Programme Outline

12:00 – 13:00 – Networking lunch 

13:00 – 14:30 – Research showcase: A series of short presentations to showcase a range of interdisciplinary, health-related research projects happening at UEA and across the wider Norwich Research Park.

14:30 – 15:00 – Tea & coffee break

15:00 – 16:00 – Facing the Dragon: Understanding the science of ultra running. Presentation by Prof Ben Garrod and partners from Swansea University.

Swansea University sports scientists Dr Laura Mason and Dr Nick Owen followed UEA’s Professor of evolutionary biology and science engagement, TV broadcaster and occasional 10k runner, Ben Garrod, as he trainer for and attempted the 380kn Dragon’s Back race across the summits of Wales, from Conwy to Cardiff. As a fellow scientist, Ben willingly submitted himself for a battery of tests before, during and after the race, including muscle function, cognitive tests, and daily blood and urine sampling. It was a rare opportunity to study the effects of extreme activity of the human body so completely. Join Ben, Laura and Nick to find out how he got on.

16:00 – 17:00 – Research Inclusion: Working with Communities to Ensure their Voices are Heard in Health and Care Research – Talk and panel session delivered by researchers with VCSE and NHS organisations. 

Research inclusion is essential throughout the research lifecycle. This ensures results are applicable and meaningful to a diverse population, including those experiencing health inequalities. During this talk and panel session you will hear about some of the projects taking place across Norfolk and Waveney where health and care and academia have partnered with Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations. We will outline the importance of building trust, report on barriers and enablers to participation in research and discuss the principle of reciprocity when working with communities.

17:00 – Closing remarks, Prof Ian Clark, HealthUEA Academic Chair

18:00 – 19:00 – Evening networking and private viewing of ‘Conversations in Movement: 10 Years of Dance for Health’ with Addenbrooke’s Hospital. 

To book HealthUEA Day – 5th February 2025