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Clinical Associate Professors

Jon Lartey is a Clinical Associate Professor in Obstetrics and the Chair of the NNUH Research Leads Group. He holds other senior research and governance managerial roles including Deputy Chairmanship of Joint NNUH/ UEA Research Governance Committee, Divisional representative for Obstetrics on NNUH Research Oversight Board and he is the Academic Lead for Obstetrics. Prof Lartey is research active within the UEA and wider NRP and has been awarded a BBSRC collaborative grant (Prof Monk BMRC UEA/ Iain MacCaulay Earlham Institute); MRC PhD studentship in conjunction with commercial sponsorship with Oxford Nanopore Technologies (Dr Leggett- Earlham Institute); QIB Seed corn grant awards (Prof Mather QIB / Leggett) and multiple NIHR RCF awards with UEA researchers (Profs Monk/ Haughton/ Fountain). He is passionate about bringing research excellence available within the NRP to the clinical interface and is especially focused on mentorship of allied health and clinical trainees in basic science research. He is also lucky to be awarded NIHR funding on the Greenshoots PI scheme to facilitate this passion. Prof Lartey was awarded an Excellence in Innovation Award for his research programme by the East of England Perinatology Group in March 2024. Prof Lartey has been appointed NNUH Associate Medical Director of Research.

Martyn Patel, is a Consultant Geriatrician at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) since 2012. He has a passion for projects that encourage the involvement of older people in research and has worked closely over the last decade with teams from UEA that specialise in Dementia Care and also in Medicines Optimisation. As one of CRN East of England’s Specialty Leads since 2014 he is active in promoting the research of Ageing Syndromes for NHS patients, and as part of this encourages colleagues at NNUH and across the wider Eastern region to take up roles in research.
As a member of NIHA (Norwich Institute for Healthy Ageing) he is doing research into Assistive Technology to enhance care solutions for older adults living with Frailty (see the ARMOUR project – Our projects | Norwich institute of healthy ageing (healthyageingnorwich.com)
ORCID ID 0000-0002-9313-3894

Eleanor Mishra is a respiratory consultant and Pleural Lead at NNUH, leading a comprehensive pleural service, offering day case therapeutic thoracoscopy, image guided pleural biopsy, indwelling pleural catheter (IPC) management and ambulatory pneumothorax care. She is Chief Investigator for the NIHR RfPB REPEAT study, which aims to derive and validate a clinical score to predict time to next procedure in patients with malignant pleural effusion, thereby enabling us to offer personalised care to our patients. She is interested in IPC associated infection and biofilm formation and currently holds an MRC IAA grant to develop a biofilm resistant catheter. A further research interest is in bacteriophages and chronic Pseudomonas colonisation in patients with bronchiectasis. She also recruits to other national trials in lung cancer and pleural disease.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5903-3005

Zoe Venables was appointed a dermatology consultant at the NNUH in 2020. Her area of research interest is skin cancer epidemiology. In particular, using high quality national cancer data to better understand the trends in skin cancer incidence and outcomes to inform clinical practice, public health campaigns and research development. Skin cancer is the commonest cancer in the UK, affecting 1 in 5 people in their lifetime. Zoe is the dermatology clinical lead at the National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) and chair the British Association of Dermatologists and NDRS partnership. She studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh where she also completed an m.med.sci (distinction) and PhD through Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9929-2693

Philip Stather was appointed a consultant Vascular Surgeon at NNUH in 2020. His research includes clinical trials for venous ulcers, peripheral arterial disease and abdominal aortic aneurysms. He also undertakes innovation work, developing the Walk-A-Cise mobile phone application to provide remote exercise therapy, and clinical devices for venous ulceration. Alongside this he is the NIHR CRN Surgical Specialty Lead, and collaborates on several basic science projects with colleagues across the Norwich Research Park.
ORCID ID 0000-0002-3585-6728

Caroline Barry has been a consultant in palliative medicine at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital since 2017. She has particular interest in the management of neuro-degenerative diseases, is a member of the European Association of Palliative Medicine reference group for Neurology and is co-director of the Norfolk Motor Neurone Disease Association Care and Research Network. In 2022, she was appointed as honorary clinical associate professor with the aim of developing an interdisciplinary research programme, linking with UEA Health Sciences and community partners with a specific focus on carer support, quality of life in neuro-generative disease and development of evidence based approach to end of life service redesign and decision making. She has recently completed an NHS England funded project exploring the structural barriers to research participation for adults with impaired capacity towards the end of life.

Simon Chan

Charaka Hadinnapola